Spirituality refers to a belief or practice in an intangible, transcendent aspect of life. It can involve a focus on inner growth and self-actualization, or it can be focused on a specific religious or non-religious belief system. Spirituality can be viewed from many different perspectives, and atheists, agnostics, believers and those who are spiritually undecided may all identify themselves as being spiritual.
Spirituality requires a focus on the immaterial dimensions of life, and encourages compassion, empathy, and forgiveness. These traits improve relationships and can help individuals develop a sense of purpose and meaning. It also promotes healthy lifestyles, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and meditation.
In addition to its role in mental health, spirituality can also be an important source of comfort and strength during difficult times. For example, people experiencing grief or illness often report that spirituality helps them cope with their situation.
However, it’s important to be cautious about anyone who tries to use their spirituality as a way to manipulate or exploit others. This is particularly true of people who use their spiritual beliefs to create a cult or who try to recruit young or emotionally fragile people. Look for signs such as: